Tag: Rationality

  • Hyperbolic Discounting and Pascal’s Mugging

    Hyperbolic Discounting and Pascal’s Mugging

    Google tells you that it is “a psychological bias where people to prioritize immediate rewards and satisfaction over future rewards”. In fact, this is only half right. Hyperbolic discounting also causes people to overvalue distant rewards in addition to overvaluing near-term rewards!

  • Contra Alexander on the Bitter Lesson and IQ

    Contra Alexander on the Bitter Lesson and IQ

    Scott Alexander argues in favor of treating intelligence as a coherent and somewhat monolithic concept. This is a post about the perils of measurement. I argue that intelligence is multifaceted and it’s a mistake to think of it as a linear scale.

  • Maximizing Goals and Satisfaction Goals

    Maximizing Goals and Satisfaction Goals

    Like most people, I have goals that pull me in multiple directions. I have life goals, professional goals, and goals relating to other people. I use the GTD system, which encourages me to write down a list of all the projects that I’m working on. When I write that list down, it feels overwhelming! There…