Category: Uncategorized
My Experience with Notion and a Personal Wiki
I don’t blog very much, but I often journal for myself. I think journaling has a reputation for being about personal feelings and the happenings of the day, and I do a lot of that sort of writing. But I find that much of what I write is more a reflection of what I’m reading.…
How I Learned to Wake Up on Time
I’m not naturally a morning person. When I was younger, I struggled to get out of bed every morning. But now, I get up early and on time almost every day. Here are some things that worked for me: I hope these work for you, too.
How Much Covid Precaution is too Much?
Should I stay safe in order to avoid getting covid? My assumption is yes, but I want to think it through with a cost/benefit analysis. A better question might be “how much am I willing to do to avoid getting covid, such that the marginal cost of additional avoidance equals the marginal additional cost in…