Tag: AI

  • Levels of Analysis in Machine Learning

    Levels of Analysis in Machine Learning

    There’s a concept from cognitive neuroscience of multiple levels of analysis of intelligence. I think this is something that ought to be better known in the world of machine learning, because I find it very helpful for organizing my thoughts.

  • Contra Alexander on the Bitter Lesson and IQ

    Contra Alexander on the Bitter Lesson and IQ

    Scott Alexander argues in favor of treating intelligence as a coherent and somewhat monolithic concept. This is a post about the perils of measurement. I argue that intelligence is multifaceted and it’s a mistake to think of it as a linear scale.

  • AI Task List Fulfillment

    AI Task List Fulfillment

    I start most of my mornings by writing out a to-do list for the day. I’ve noticed that generative AI has been getting really good, and it made me wonder how much of my list could be done for me automatically. I’m imagining I could write down my tasks and then AI could just do…

  • Remember What We Talked About? Augmenting Language Models with Memory

    Remember What We Talked About? Augmenting Language Models with Memory

    In my last post, I talked about how Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT are going to get better because they will incorporate a sense of reward seeking. Now I want to talk about how they’re going to improve by incorporating better memory for events. This will allow tools like ChatGPT to remember previous conversations.…

  • The Coming Wave of Goal Pursuit in Large Language Models

    The Coming Wave of Goal Pursuit in Large Language Models

    If you work in AI, then probably none of this is new to you, but if you’re curious about the near future of this technology, I hope you find this interesting! Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive results in the past few years. I’ve noticed there’s some uncertainty among my friends about how far…

  • In Defense of AI safety Research

    I am an effective altruist, so I’m naturally skeptical of schemes to improve the world that don’t have a lot of evidence behind them. I try to do a lot to support efforts to alleviate global poverty (mostly donating money). I like giving that way because I think it’s very certain that it will do…

  • Functional Decomposition of AGI

    Functional Decomposition of AGI

    Broad claim: There is not just one central problem of intelligence, not just one master algorithm. Instead, intelligence consists of solving distinct types of problems using distinct algorithms. By analyzing what types of problems are composite to intelligence, we can find algorithms that match those problems, and by composing those algorithms properly, we can construct…